What did you do before joining dBs?
"I joined dBs in 2002, prior to that I was studying Media Lab Art at Plymouth University. I also set-up a commercial recording studio in 1998 with funds from the Prince’s Trust and have continued to build, consult and run recording studios and production spaces ever since."
Why did you first get into music production?
"I borrowed a Yamaha MT120 4 track cassette recorder from school in the mid-nineties, around the time of Britpop and Grunge. The ability to record on more than one track, fascinated me and acted as the catalyst for my career. I still own a Yamaha MT120 now!"
Any special areas of interest?
"My main area of interest is in the integration of analogue processes into the recording workflow. Using outboard devices increases creativity and allows the producer to break out of 'the box' (computer). This often becomes a performance as dials and controls are adjusted in real time when recording or mixing meaning a unique result is obtained. The way this technology reacts to controls differently on different days is extremely hard to replicate with software."
What do you love most about what you do?
"The thing I love most about teaching is that the knowledge is shared both ways. I have learned a great deal from our students over the years, not just in sound and music but also in the areas of teaching, business and networking."
Tell us about your proudest career moment.
"Over the years I’ve seen so many alumni of our courses land excellent roles in the music industry. I am alway proud when I can run a mix past a mastering engineer who I taught, listen to a film soundtrack feature work by a graduate, or purchase a plugin from an alumnus who is now working at that company."
What do you get up to outside of teaching?
"I am really interested in making things, I build guitar pedals and electronic devices some are used for music, others as testing tools. I also enjoy hiking on Dartmoor and bouldering/climbing."
Tell us something our students may not know about you.
"I have walked the entire Cornish section of the Coast Path and plan to complete the Devon, Dorset and Somerset sections in the future."
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