A portrait of Max Taylor

Max Taylor


National Lead for Games

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A portrait of Max Taylor
Experienced in game design and 3D art, Max loves to get lost in game worlds and uncover new stories.

What did you do before joining dBs?  

I was Course Leader for BA Game Art at boomsatsuma. Alongside this, I work as an Independent Game Developer and freelance 3D Artist.

Why did you first get into game design?

I first got into game design through a Creative Media Studies course at college. The course focussed on Film and TV primarily and it wasn’t until my third year that I realised a game pathway was available. This introduced me to lots of elements within game development and this is when I discovered my passion for design specifically and led me to study Computer Games Design at university.

Any special areas of interest?

I am particularly interested in world-building and narrative design within games. More specifically how the player is engaged with the narrative through the gameplay. The Last of Us Part 1 and 2 by Naughty Dog are some of my all-time favourite games that do this amazingly well. The way The Last of Us Part 2 forces you to reflect on the entire story from both the perspective of the protagonist and antagonist presents a very interesting circumstance for the player. You start to empathise and I, personally, found myself wanting to avoid a conflict between the two by the final chapter. Both characters are tired and beaten yet they, and the player, push forward to the inevitable final fight before they both realise the futility of their revenge. The way the game is able to engage these emotions within the player is spectacular and I’d highly recommend everyone experience these games.

I am also a big fan of FromSoftware games such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. The way in which the story and lore of the game is presented to players through the environment itself and the items that the player finds throughout their time allows for players to truly explore and uncover the history at their own pace. This really lets you get lost in the game and reminds me of my early gaming years struggling to find the right direction.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love seeing students develop, both creatively and professionally, across the courses. Seeing how their perspective on their own work and the work of others matures as well as how they perceive the games and media they consume is amazing.

Outside of the teaching, I enjoy engaging in open discussions with the students. Whether it be critiquing or analysing the games we play or simply talking about their hobbies and interests.

Tell us about your proudest career moment?

For me it was running my first FE and HE game jam. It was very rewarding to see the students collaborate and every team came up with some really interesting concepts. Everyone pushed themselves to produce a functioning prototype over the two-day event and many wanted to continue into a third-day. The event also highlighted new areas of interest for some students which is always a good bonus for events such as this.

What do you get up to outside of your role at dBs?

Outside of dBs, I enjoy working on my own game projects and developing my skills in various tools. I am always looking for new things to learn or ways to challenge myself within my personal practice.

I like to play lots of games (who’d have guessed, right?). My favourite genre of games are RPGs because I love exploring vast worlds and uncovering the stories of the characters and places that inhabit them. I also enjoy First-Person Shooters and Strategy games from time to time.

Tell us something our students may not know about you?

Whilst primarily being into games and game design, I also enjoy listening to and playing music. I first started playing the guitar at a young age and later decided to learn how to play the drums. I instantly clicked with drumming and that became my main instrument of choice.

When I was in college, my band had to plan and deliver our first gig at a local venue for an assessment on our music course. The turnout was good and at the end of the gig we got approached to play in the local carnival before the headline act. It was a very exciting moment for us and it was surreal being up on a large stage in front of a couple hundred people after our first performance.

I am particularly interested in world-building and narrative design within games. More specifically how the player is engaged with the narrative through the gameplay.

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